Prestige 2007 Ltd. is a beneficiary under contract No. BG16RFOP002-3.001-0320-C01- Improving the energy efficiency of Prestige 2007 Ltd. funded under grant award procedure No. BG16RFOP002-3.001 “Energy efficiency for small and medium-sized enterprises” under Operational Program “Innovative Program” and Competitiveness 2014-2020 ”, co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund. The total value of the project is 325 216.00 BGN, of which 199 955.02 BGN is European and 35 286.18 BGN is national co-financing.
Through the project, Prestige 2007 Ltd. plans to improve its energy efficiency by purchasing and putting into operation new high-tech and more productive equipment as follows:
– Line for bottling, closing and labeling of laundry and cleaning detergents;
– Homogenizers for the production of laundry and cleaning detergents;
The company has decided to reduce energy costs by introducing a system to utilize waste heat from the equipment through aspiration and ventilated air through a recuperator and introducing renewable energy for its own needs. Energy audit development services will also be used to identify energy-efficient investment measures, ISO 50001 implementation and certification services, and Preview services will be used.
By improving energy efficiency and reducing the cost of production, PRESTIGE 2007 will become more competitive, which is a prerequisite for sustainability and development.
Project goals:
The overall objective of the project is to increase the competitiveness of the company by making investments for improving energy efficiency.
The specific objectives of the project are:
– Delivery, installation and commissioning of new energy efficient equipment;
– Improving the market position of the applicant company;
– Renovation of the applicant company technology park;
– Improving efficiency by increasing production capacity, reducing unit costs and increasing enterprise net revenues;
– Improvement of the energy efficiency of the company and implementation of the activities prescribed by the energy audit, for the use of residual heat from the working machines by means of a recuperator built into the ventilation system in the production room. This reduces the cost of heating and cooling by supplying heat from the heated indoor air to the fresh cold outside air in winter and back in summer;
– Putting into operation a renewable electricity and hot water installation for own consumption;
– Significant increase in the production of laundry and cleaning detergents;
– Introduction and certification of energy management systems in the ISO 50 001 enterprise;
– Preparation of Energy audit and use of the prescribed measures for realization of the investments envisaged in the project.
The results of the activities carried out will lead to Annual energy savings from the recommended package of measures (SG): 197 743,89 kWh / year;
Planned energy savings for the enterprise as a result of project implementation (PES): 87.13%.
As a result, it will increase the competitiveness of the enterprise by improving energy efficiency.